
Run the former and check if everything works. Now you should notice both Speccy.exe and Speccy64.exe files. To check if this solution works, navigate to Speccy’s installation directory. When you install Speccy, you install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions on your PC, so you won’t have to download Speccy again. To avoid this problem, users are suggesting using a 32-bit version of Speccy instead since that version doesn’t suffer from this problem. The 64-bit of Speccy has some compatibility problems with Windows 10, and that can lead to crashes and other various issues. Many users reported that Speccy has some issues with 64-bit versions of Windows. Make sure you have the latest version of Speccy installed.


Try running the application as administrator.


Speccy crashes on Windows 10, how to fix it? Simply start the application as an administrator and the problem should be resolved.

  • Speccy keeps crashing – Sometimes the Speccy can keep crashing on your PC if you don’t have the administrative privileges.
  • To fix the problem, reinstall it and the issue should be resolved.
  • Speccy crashes computer –This problem can occur if your Speccy installation is corrupted.
  • To fix the problem, switch to a 32-bit version and the problem should be resolved.
  • Speccy crash on startup – Sometimes this issue can occur if you’re using a 64-bit of Speccy.
  • Speaking of this issue, here are some common problems that users reported:


    Many users use Speccy and they reported frequent crashing. Sometimes certain applications can crash on your PC, and while this is somewhat normal, if an application is constantly crashing, that can be a problem. If you’re having any problems with Speccy on your PC, in today’s article we’ll show you how to properly fix them. Speccy is a useful application, but sometimes Speccy can crash on your PC and cause many other problems. Home › Fix › Speccy crashes on Windows 10
